Data storage and safety tips

There are various levels of safety required for various types of data stockage et sauvegarde (storage and backup) and its dependant on its value and type of the data itself.

Some of your data may attract competitors or thieves while other data is invaluable as it would be impossible or hard to replace.

With your personal data and identity, never give out more than is necessary and always ask what the information is going to be utilized for. Frequently, a staff will be working from a standard printed form with blankets that cover every aspect of your life including your pet’s name. If the bank or whatever only requires the maiden name of your mother, that is all you should provide them.  This is applicable for both offline and online transactions, but utilize much more care while online.

While buying online, be very choosy about utilizing your credit card. I don’t even utilize mine at all. I utilize a couple of online payment services that completely mask and block my name, address, and credit card numbers. One of the most vital combinations to block is the card number and the 3 digit code at the back of the card. When someone has both of these, they can conveniently utilize your card online. If your computer screen is hazy, you should look for new Ecrans et Moniteurs (screens and monitors)

Most of us have some type of electronic data that is valuable just to us; hence we have it stored on CD somewhere. This is a first good step, but depending on how badly you will feel to lose the data, an easy backup might not be sufficient.  With CPU et Ventilos (CPU and Ventilos), you can certainly enhance the performance of your computer system and accessories.


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