Computer components for PC Gamer

 There are some reasons why PC is still worth considering while looking for a gaming solution. Perfectly, we will love to have gaming PC and console devices to play all our favourite games. 

Nonetheless, what if this is not a choice? Think that it is needless to say that consoles are your obvious option for a gaming device, right? Okay, think again! We can give you some reasons why the PC is still a good option.


On a first look, consoles come for a price of a few hundred dollars and surely look much inexpensive than your PC, which may cost around thousand dollars. Nonetheless, there are some hidden charges you might have to consider before taking a decision:

1. Upgrade charges

Usually, consoles can’t be upgraded without changing the entire unit. Then again, you may always your PC by buying more storage and backup (Stockage et sauvegarde), or opting for a better graphic card. 

2. HDTV Display

To bask the realistic graphics that your console can offer, you frequently have to get a HDTV. This will cost you a few hundred dollars more. Now collate that with the cost of LCD monitors, power supplies and chassis (Alimentations et Chassis), which are able to offer even higher resolutions. 

3. Online service charges

Do you want to participate in the competition online? Some consoles may charge a monthly service fee for the multiplayer platform. In case of components for PC gamer (Composants pour PC Gamer), there are more free playing options i.e. setting up your own free MMORPG SERVERS OIR LAN connections. 

Availability of titles

In the contemporary market, game development now comes with cross platform compatibility. You may frequently get a PC counterpart for the game titles on the Xbox 360 and PS3. Although there are exclusive titles released by the consoles, the PC has its own games meant for the PC only. The reality is, PC’s are usually capable of running games with a much better texture and higher resolution quality than the consoles. You will possibly feel that the graphics of the console on your television looks good as you view it from a seated position. 

Moreover, there is no requirement to get the best performance and the costliest option for every component. Moreover, game developers already design their games to run properly on reasonable hardware specifications available in the market.  


While consolers are an incredible medium to bask gaming with your friends on the couch, the PC has its own benefits that you should consider while selecting a gaming platform. With rapid developments in technology, PCs are now available to provide top quality gaming performance than before. Simultaneously, PC hardware prices have also reduced considerably over the years. Huge cost savings can be accomplished by getting a PC assembled, along with components for PC gamer. It would be ideal if we can get all the gaming platforms for our enjoyment.


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